Tuesday, October 4, 2011

For Mr. Urban Pope (Andrew Kaiser)

Ha ha...no you're not in trouble =D
Blogging has become the revolutionized way of networking and sharing. It's become part of a lifestyle for alot of us in many of industries and has become a priority and an important part of our lives in this growing technology and the era of "Now".
That said...
I didn't miss your comment, love. But I did miss my reply to you while I was copyig and pasting from Word to my blog. So I've included it today on it's own personal blog. I'm sorry. I wasn't ignoring you. Big hugs!
Urban Pope: You have been the fiercest follower, commenter, supporter, and friend since the beginning of my blog. You have been my drive, amongst others, to continue writing. You've shown interest and have had good and constructive criticism which have helped me grow and learn. I truly appreciate your presence and hope you will continue to be by my side in this as I continue to post, write, and hopefully share my music in this blog in the future. Dissecting Sound and Soul is not over. And I hope to continue sharing with everyone I've met (in person and online) in this industry.

Thank you so much for being there through the thick and thin of my blog.

Photography by Andrew Kaiser
Portland, OR


  1. You have made me blush like no one else can. I thought, maybe, I slighted you with my short comment after you laid your soul out like that. Thank you, it's good to be appreciated. I know with great certainty "you'll make it."

  2. The first shot in this series is mind-blowing. Lovely work again!
