Tuesday, February 22, 2011

forêt de bambous (aFeinberg)

Shot with the exquisite aFeinberg again from Kaua'i. Scoped out a good cluster of bamboo in a tropical temperature whereby my hair got volume like none other. Had a lot of fun. And of course it wouldn't be a good shoot without a few passer-by's.
Thanks so much aFeins for another awesome time with genuine company.

photography by aFeinberg


  1. Got to say I love this set, such good contrasts. The brilliant green plants against your dark skin, and the linear bamboo contrasting your organic curves, it all works so well :) kudos to both of you.

  2. I like the under-exposed-film color saturation look

  3. I had a wonderful time with Aaron as well. So impressed with such a young man. LOVE these images in the bamboo!

  4. Lovely pix, so natural... the nymph from the green... enjoyed! dino

  5. I LOVE the fierce intensity that's in your eyes here !!!!!! LOVE the location and light on you !!!!!!

  6. Excellent work here.I love the composition.
