Thursday, April 29, 2010

PSPF Portraiture IV (John Crawford)

Frank Ockenfels III Portraiture Workshop at the PSPF

Photography by John Crawford

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Portrait Series III (John Birchak)

demonstartion at the Frank Ockenfels Workshop

Photography by
John Birchak

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

PSPF: feature II (Alan Doe)

by Alan Doe
at the
Frank Ockenfels III

Portraiture Workshop

Monday, April 26, 2010

Palm Springs Photo Festival 2010 (Jim Newberry)

This workshop was most inspiring. I met so many passionate photographers all in one place. And had the honor of working with Nels Isrealson, and Frank Ockenfels III.
If you haven't been, I would definitely recommend it for the following year to come. All locations were beautiful, a great places to work with controlled and natural light, feel motivated and adorned with other inspiring people as yourself. Met other models that I have watching for the past two years. I had a blast.

So I will start with my first set
by Jim Newberry

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Canyons (Zoe Wiseman)

by Zoe Wiseman

First three with polaroid

last image
iphone! =D

I specifically told her that I was going to through my good for nothing LG Envy Touch off the cliff.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

sacerdotisa oscura

I went from Arizona at the Navajo res. slot canyons, and by Grand Canyon with Fyre Eye(and Utah for a location shoot),
to Palm Springs, for the PSPF (which was an outstandingly inspiring workshop and event - Nels Isrealson and Frank Ockenfels III),
to Everett, WA tulip fields, Seattle on a sail boa, and Portland, OR near the lake,
I detoured to Eureka to visit my photographer friend Larry Sanborn.
Then I crossed the storm to come back home.

My Next Stop are:
Portland, OR....again and San Francisco Bay area next month, May.
New York and Pennsylvania in June.
France and a couple neighbors In June-July.


Catching up on AZ trip (FigurativeArts)

photography by Figurativearts
modeled with Paper Doll

Cottonwood, AZ

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Next Stop Seattle Washington (R.Michael Walker)

Ok. So I've been in then out of LA so quick lately that I haven't posted in a while. But here's a little something I have been wanting to post.

photography by R. Michael Walker